The top 100 Android non-Google Apps

Would you like to see the top 100 Apps out of a sample of 1,700 devices from all over the world? As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently.
Android Smartphone

Would you like to see the top 100 Apps out of a sample of 1,700 devices from all over the world?

As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently.

Part of this learning has been looking at which are the most installed Apps by the users. Obviously Google Apps are at the top of the list (given that we are talking about Android devices which already come with most of the Google Apps) but it was interesting to see who are the other top Apps installed by users and see which categories are the most popular.

Here is a list of the top 100 non-Google Android Apps that we saw from our data:

Most Used Apps Android

If you like data, you might want to read my previous post “Google and Facebook own us all Android users” with information about the average Apps installed per user and average users per App of the sample.

I will be writing a series of posts like this one with some the relevant information from our learning, such as engagement metrics and mobile behavior in terms of context.

Stay tuned for more




Android Smartphone

The top 100 Android non-Google Apps

Would you like to see the top 100 Apps out of a sample of 1,700 devices from all over the world?

As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently.

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Android Apps App Wars

Google and Facebook own all of us Android users

Out of a sample of 1,700 Android devices from all over the world, the three most popular non-Google apps where owned by Facebook. As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently. Staytuned is a personal

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