
Artfinder discover art by independent artists


London, UK.


Discover art by independent artists

About Artfinder

Artfinder is an art marketplace and a Certified B Corp, on a mission to make art accessible, affordable and a viable career for artists.

We connect artists and art lovers around the world, helping anyone own original and limited edition art from £20. We’re a true marketplace enabling direct contact with artists, commissioning pieces and negotiation. We make art buying easy with free returns and monthly payments. Our customer ratings are best in class with 4.9+ Trustpilot and NPS over 70. Artists also rate us highly with NPS over 60.

The global art market is worth $65bn, with the online portion of this market accounting for 20% of sales in 2021. Adjacent wall decor market of $58bn is set to grow at CAGR of 9%+ in Europe/USA until 2024/25 respectively.