Google and Facebook own all of us Android users

Android Apps App Wars

Out of a sample of 1,700 Android devices from all over the world, the three most popular non-Google apps where owned by Facebook.

As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently.

Staytuned is a personal app concierge that learns from the users and dynamically modifies the user interface of their smartphones to show them the most relevant apps depending on their context (whether the user is at home, work, driving, traveling, etc.). We’ve released a beta since a few months ago (you can download it now from the Play Store here) and have been learning about the mobile behavior of more than 3,000 users from all over the world.

Find below some of our learning.

The average user had 158 Apps installed on his Android device

Even though users had an average of 158 Apps installed on their devices, in many cases, up to 85% of this Apps where system Apps (I’ll go into detail in a future post)

The most impressive number that we’ve seen so far was a list of 28,125 unique Apps generated by 1,700 users.

Most Popular Android Apps Worldwide

Numbers speak themselves about how hard is the battle for users, with more than half of the Apps of the sample having only 1 user.

– 58.1% of the Apps of the sample where installed in only 1 out of the 1,700 devices

– 90.3% of the Apps of the sample where installed in only 10 or less out of the 1,700 devices

Most Popular Android Apps Worldwide

Google and Facebook own us

The three most popular non-Google Apps were part of Facebook. Facebook (84.8%), WhatsApp (76.14%) and Messenger (74.25%). And Instagram (51.9%) was the fifth most poplar App

The most popular Apps were Google Apps such as Gmail, YouTube, Maps, Drive etc., all being installed on close to 100% of the users. A bit obvious since Staytuned is Android only, although they are not always installed in devices with older Android versions)

Most Popular Android Apps Worldwide

It was also not a shock that some of the popular Apps that we are constantly hearing about had a significant percentage of the users. Even while it might not sound like much, having as little as 5% of the users already means something (specially considering that only 1.9% of the Apps obtained from our users where installed by more than 5% of the users of the sample).

Most Popular Android Apps Worldwide

I was surprised to see Flappy bird on 7% of the users, considering that most of the Apps that where on 5% or more of the users are companies that have received significants amounts of funding or well known brands. This shouldn’t be as surprising considering that the world was going crazy about the game recently, but it shows how rare this cases are. I couldn’t find any other App with the similar background.

I will be writing a series of posts like this one with some the relevant information from our learning, such as engagement metrics and mobile behavior in terms of context.

If you want to read the full post I wrote for Staytuned’s blog, have a look here

Stay tuned for more

here is the full infographic:
App Wars Staytuned


Congress Audience Facebook

Congress doesn’t understand Facebook, in the same way many corporations do not understand digital products

Regardless of Facebook’s failure to protect privacy of users, Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional hearing seems to resonate with why many corporations struggle to embrace innovation through digital products.

The average age of the 100 US senators is 63, which is the same average age for members of boards of directors of S&P 500 companies. Questions like the ones asked by members of the congress might not be so uncommon at board meetings big corporations.

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