
Mayku Industrial parts in minutes


London, UK.


Industrial parts in minutes with pressure forming.

About Mayku

Anyone can now set up an online shop in minutes, for free, with no up-front risk. And so, millions of Creators now run businesses from their living rooms globally. But making products to sell takes time, can be expensive and could also require significant capital investment just to get started.

Mayku makes product creation accessible, fast and affordable to help the rapidly expanding £70Bn Creator market.

With Mayku’s platform, Creators can set up a production line in minutes, for just a few pounds, with no minimum order quantities. This speeds up their product development, reduces their risk, and enables them to launch faster – designed so that they can scale production in line with demand.

Our product is used by over 12,000 creators as diverse as Dentists, Chocolatiers, Industrial Designers, Craft Businesses, Educators, Medical lab technicians, and more.

The creator economy is booming. Looking at just one of Mayku’s segments – the craft market: there are now 4.3m Etsy sellers, up from 830k in 2012. More than $10Bn dollars was spent on Etsy alone in 2020.

Mayku has filed a patent application for their desktop pressure forming machine.