Market Research & Data Analysis is Now Easier Than Ever—Thanks to AI
AI-powered tools like Cursor make market research & data analysis effortless. Learn how to extract insights, estimate revenue, and analyze competitors—no coding required!
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Why Would Someone Buy a 3D-Printed Home? Exploring the Future of Housing with Icon
Explore why 3D-printed homes are gaining popularity. From affordability to sustainability, discover the future of housing innovation.
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Mercedes Benz Live Traffic Information vs Googe Maps
Live traffic information is quite self-explanatory and this is the biggest “competitor” to Google Maps (also Waze, since Waze is owned by Google).
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Why would someone pay for Mercedes Navigation (MBUX) if there is Google Maps for free?
Why would someone pay for the Mercedes Navigation system (or any other OEMs navigation system) if there is Google Maps for free? This is quite a common question amongst car owners and while Google Maps is still king, there is a substantial amount of users pay for the navigation systems that are offered by OEMs
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Sorry, wasn’t me, it was my voice assistant.
Well, this morning I used the Hey Mercedes (MBUX) voice assistant in my car to set the navigation to drive to the office, just like I do every day, but somehow this morning it decided to call one of my contacts.
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Driving a Tesla for a week as a Mercedes-Benz fan
Driving a Tesla for a week as a Mercedes-Benz fan & owner. Read about my experience and highlights. It felt like digital vs. luxury.
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The top 100 Android non-Google Apps
Would you like to see the top 100 Apps out of a sample of 1,700 devices from all over the world?
As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently.
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Google and Facebook own all of us Android users
Out of a sample of 1,700 Android devices from all over the world, the three most popular non-Google apps where owned by Facebook. As part of our work at Staytuned, we’ve been trying to understand how people use their phones and how we can help them to have a better mobile experience and user their phones more efficiently. Staytuned is a personal …
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